
OrchLab Soundmakers include four online instruments – Circles, Squares, Percussion and Lines – which you can play with the bottom row of a computer keyboard or by using a touch screen device.  Overview OrchLab Soundmakers work on both computers and devices with touch screen (e.g. tablet, mobile phone). You can use either touchscreen or a

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We’ve hidden some of the instruments you might find in an orchestra in the wordsearch below. Can you find all 12 of them? If you want to learn more about some of the instruments we’ve featured, have a look at the OrchMap where you can find explanation videos from the musicians from the London Philharmonic

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iPads make fantastic digital musical instruments, and we use them a lot in OrchLab sessions thanks to their adaptability and accessibility. Guided Access is really useful when using iPads as instruments as it stops the ‘home’ button from closing apps, prevents other apps from being opened, and can stop participants accidentally changing settings within the app

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