Using iPads for music – Keezy

iPads make fantastic digital musical instruments, and we use them a lot in OrchLab sessions thanks to their adaptability and accessibility. In this guide we’ll show you Keezy, a fun and accessible sampling app.

Keezy is available to download from the Apple App Store for free. You can use this app to record up to eight different sounds and then play them back together – you could use your voice, instruments or sounds from your environment!

Once you’ve recorded your sounds onto Keezy, you can create a piece of music with them, or use them in group music-making along with other percussion, iPad apps and singing. As all you have to do to play back any sound is tap the screen, it makes it possible for those with limited mobility to play sounds they might otherwise find difficult (for example, you can record tambourine sounds onto Keezy for someone who cannot play a real tambourine due to the strength, grip or use of both hands needed).

Getting started

  • You will need a charged iPad, that has the Keezy Classic app
  • You may also want to use an external speaker to enhance the sound from the iPad
  • Now you are ready to watch the video below, which will show you how to use Keezy
  • Enjoy!

Explore more:

Using iPads for Music – GarageBand
Using iPads for Music – ThumbJam
Play and Sing – Lovely Day

This resource was written by Dav Shiel, Drake Music